Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Won't You Be, Won't You Be, Please Won't You Be My Neighbor!

As I started to to scoot out of my driveway this morning, I stopped to allow two unknown persons to first cross on the sidewalk.  They stood out because of their dress.  I can only make assumptions about their nationality, ethnicity and/or national origin, but they appeared to be immigrants from a South American country and they appeared to be indiginous persons from that region.  I base my assumptions only on their appearance, knowing nothing else about them.  They seemed amused by me on my scooter and began giggling and speaking softly to each other, they smiled and waved at me.  I smiled and waved back. 

My state continues to debate tough anti-immigration legislation, despite the fact that seven out of ten hispanic immigrants living in my state are here lawfully.  And of course many hispanics living in my state are not immigrants at all, some of them tracing their family histories here for far longer than those who would profile and judge them,  My job precludes me from making my views know publically.  So I'll resort to my blog to express my appreciation for living in a culturally diverse city and neighborhood.  And to say howdy neighbors!

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